
Elite Soccer Power – Soccer Fitness Training


Elite Soccer Power - Soccer Fitness Training

If your child has been struggling to figure out exactly which exercises to do so that they can become bigger stronger faster and last longer in soccer games so that they get noticed by other coaches and scouts…

…then you’re about to learn a quick and easy, step by step system they can use to  create a highly effective soccer machine starting now!

It’s true… There’s no better feeling than watching your kid smile and dash out to the soccer field. You’ve seen first-hand just how much your kid loves it. Especially when the team wins… the cheers, the joy, and the high-fives all around!

Imagine how amazing it would feel if it was your kid who everybody looked up too, who the greatest player on the field was, who everyone wanted to carry around after the game, who had amazing self-esteem, who felt great about themselves all the time because they knew they had this one thing they were truly great at, that they were a master at?

The good news is that giving your kid this kind of advantage IS possible – and it’s actually much easier than you think.

If you are the type of parent who actually cares about your kid being truly great at soccer, having all the advantages – the health advantages,  the social advantages that come to you, then please turn off the radio, shut off the phone, exit your e-mail, shut the door and read every single word on this page because I am going to teach you what you need to know to help your kid get to that elusive “superstar” status…

What is the single secret that Zidane, Beckham,  Messi and other superstar soccer players have all in common that make them head and shoulders above everyone else the soccer field?

You see, Mom and Dad, soccer has evolved and the dynamics of the game have changed in the past few years. It is now a “high-energy” game of power and speed. It is a game where your kid needs to be able to sprint, stop -start and change direction and recover quickly on a continuous basis.

A game with sudden twists, turns, tackling, kicking and jumping. In fact, playing soccer without a specific soccer fitness training system is a disaster waiting to happen.

The sad thing is that most well-meaning coaches (who are supposed to be “experts”) still think that soccer-specific fitness development is not necessary for young players or they put them on outdated soccer fitness training programs where all they do is jog for 30 to 40 minutes with sit ups and push ups…( this could be your kids coach now!)

(and by the way did you know that research has shown that doing sit ups or crunches puts unnecessary pressure on the discs alone leads to major shoulder, neck and issues later in life)

And the few coaches that even consider it are using watered-down programs that were meant for athletes. And without knowing it, they’re doing your child more harm than good. Or even worse…

For example: Did you know that making your child jog for 20-30 minutes for soccer fitness training actually makes them slower and weaker for sprints? Not good for soccer players…

Let me briefly explain. As you now know, soccer now is a game of bursts of energy of sprints, stops, starts and change of direction with recovery. Thus the entire body needs to be trained that way.

When was the last time your son or daughter jogged at a steady pace throughout an entire soccer match?

And, did you know that most gym workout programs (aside from being too expensive) get your child “bulky” like body builders instead of building the core strength needed for soccer players? This leads to slower and ineffective players who suffer more fatigue and fatigue leads to muscle compensation which leads to injury.

We all know about the kid who was on the rise to beco a soccer superstar who rolled his ankle, fell down on the field and was out at least 4-6 weeks or the 14 year old female rep soccer player who twisted her knee and was out for the entire season. Can you imagine the devastation that not only what they went through but their parents as well.

Unfortunately this happens more often than not. Just the other day it broke my heart to inform a thir year old girl and her parents that she completely tore the key structures in her knee (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and that she would be out for the rest of the season.

Not only this, but because her bones had not yet stopped growing the orthopedic surgeon did not want to perform reconstructive surgery.

Now she is looking at four to nine months of intensive rehabilitation and her parents are easily looking at $500 – $1000 in rehab costs.  Would you want this to happen to your kid?

So let me show you the exact sequence used by soccer players around the world to give your child 90 minutes of full on endurance without ever running more than one minute at a time in their soccer fitness training to gain that unfair advantage on the soccer field.

Helping your son or daughter implement a high octane soccer fitness training program is easier than you think… and it brings many benefits. Here are just a few of them:

“Mike I just want to tell you how great your program worked for us , my daughter always had great endurance and she was suffering from not being fast . My daughter grumbled when she started the program , it wasn’t until 6 weeks she started to notice her speed and strength , then when she came back from high school to club one of the parents was so impressed he called her a horse because of her speed and strength . She is playing in college… Read more…


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